“You’ve bees in your bonnet!” Significant others have a lot to suffer. Then a surprising “Shouldn’t you be feeding the bees or something?” all concerned and surprised at my blasé attitude now that there is a window of reasonable weather. That’s what everyone needs, an aider and abettor but not someone who wants to take over. A delicate balance of push and stand back. Someone who looks on from a healthy distance avoiding all bee stings yet coming up with unique solutions for some of the many conundrums of keeping bees – then letting me get on with it. Solutions like a bespoke flatbed ‘honey’ barrow… made from scrap timber and broken wheel borrow wheel. .

Someone to mock my stings yet be the one to drive me to A&E see my blog post Ouch!
Someone, who’s looking forward to our trips in spring and summer to visit the remote hive (the one that I just hadn’t the heart move up nearer home as that’s the hive that produces the most honey and it’s very happy where it is) just ‘cos the trip to the ‘country’ is nice.
My someone is really enjoying winter, there’s not a lot to do with bees these days. But there always something 😊. I’ve a bunch of frames to clean. If you want to know how to clean frames see my blog post Double, double, toil and trouble and it should explain why I’d need a bottle of gas.
“How long were you on the phone”
“An hour.”
“You were just ordering a bottle of gas”
“He’s a beekeeper.”
Enough said.

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